The Entertainment Magazine for the PalmOS users from

Only For English Readers

English Page
Access Counted since 1998.11.18
Hi, I'm 'Palm Ninja'.
I'm a ninja and a Palm/Pilot-mania.
Now, I'll show you a cool news about Palm from Japan.
Bye now!
Ninja's Missions
In fact, the Japanese page (Palm Air Line) has many and many
news and columns, but I can't translate them into English.
So, this page has a few columns.
here to view my other pages about Palm in English.
(But in POOR Englsih as through the auto-translation!)
BUT a New translation engine!
If you can read Japanese on the net, click
(It's the ORIGINAL!)
What's New?
Announcement 00/02/19
In Nov.22 1998,
I announced the start of "the Japan Palm/Pilot UG Project",
and I had coordinated all Japanese UG for Palm
since then until Fev.19 2000.
In Fev.19 2000, I stopped that Project and gave up
the coordination of all Japanese UGs for Palm in Japan.
Then Mr. Ryouji Uriu established "PUG-J"!
"PUG-J" is a union that all Japanese User Groups for Palm.
Since then "PUG-J" has coordinated all Japanese UGs for Palm.
If you want to contact some or all Japanese UG for Palm,
you should access to it!

Bye Now!
Announcement 98/12/xx
I'll open the 1st mission "Palm/Pilot".
Announcement 98/11/17
In a few weeks, I'll start the English Pages;
The truth is that I want to translate all of my Japanese pages.
But my knowledge of English is not sufficent to do that.
So, I'll start some original pages that are written only for English readers.
Wait a few weeks!
Thank you.
Palm Air Line's Captain.
PalmNinja's Friends
The following buttons are linked to friend sites of PalmNinja.
Both of them have pages in English.

I's Icons for Palm/Pilot
This is the original icon archive for Palm users.
It has two versions: Macintosh and Windows.

This is the icon archive for Datebk3/Datebk4.
Datebk3/Datebk4 is the Palmware (PIM).
Japanese Users' Festivals

Mail to Ninja
You can reach PalmNija at the following address.

Thanks to:
Jim (My Englsih adviser!)

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